This focaccia recipe is easy to make and easy to adapt. Try adding herbs such as rosemary or thyme, or perhaps some chopped dried tomatoes, ham, olives, etc.. You don’t need to knead very strong !!!!! we are using the autolysis method. INGREDIENTS 500g strong white bread flour 300 ml water at 20º 40 gr of high-quality cream butter ( an intermediate state between liquid and solid butter) 40 gr of olive oil 10 gr of salt 15 gr of fresh yeast (or 1 sachets dried easy blend yeast ) herbs ( rosemary, thyme) or ham , olives, dried tomatoes, or chocolate and pistachios ( why not ?) Water, olive oil and salt to prepare the brine. METHOD 1. Place the flour, butter, salt, yeast, olive oil and the water into a large bowl. 2. Gently stir with your hand or a wooden spoon or a spatula to form a homogeneous dough. 3. Tip the dough out of the bowl and put it onto an oiled work surface. 4. After 10 m, do a simply folded quickly ( 1 m more or less). Repeat this operati...
La part del pollastre que faig servir és la cuixa sense os. Podeu usar també la pit de pollastre. En primer lloc, una mitja hora abans, tallem el pollastre en tires i el marinem amb e l suc d'una llimona, la pell de la llimona ratllada, una mica d'oi, pebre i les fulles de romaní, si pot ser fresc però si no, doncs sec. Quant anem ja a cuinar el plat, pre-escalfem el forn, dalt i baix a uns 250º. Amb l'ajuda d'un pelador o mandolina, tallem el carabassó amb tires. Anem muntant els rotllets, disposant una tira de carabassó i a sobre el pollastre i ho anem inserint en unes broquetes de fusta Baixem la temperatura del forn a 200º i ho posem al forn durant 20 minuts aproximadament, podeu afegir la marinada. Servir calent o fred segons els vostres gustos !